Police as Guardians - Working to Transform the Culture of Policing
Confronting Excessive Force in Historical Perspective: Targeting Louisville Neighborhoods
ACLU Calls Out Chico’s City Council for Criminalizing Unhoused People/for Violations of the Brown Ac
AP California shifts police shooting probes to attorney general
Sacramento Police Review Commission suggests reforms
On Our Watch podcast:20-20 Hindsight
PCAB Police Community Advisory Board
How Memphis has changed the way police respond to mental health crises
Code Pink event
On our watch podcast
Buffalo's Duty to Intervene
CAHOOTS in Eugene
Measuring Racial Bias in Policing -TED conference
Three Events Honoring Juneteenth in Chico and Oroville!
Resmaa Menakem recommends the Cordale Q. Handy Foundation-
Reps. Introduce Fed. Bill to decriminalize drug use and replace with Health-centered approach
ACLU's How the Police Lobby Impedes Public Safety
On Our Watch a new podcast from KQED and NPR Who really polices the police?
The Ferguson movement is on the cusp of revolutionizing political power in St. Louis