Police as Guardians - Working to Transform the Culture of Policing
LTE in Chico ER by Scott Rushing
Less lethal weapons leading to deaths
Chico Sol Chico PD works to improve image
Chico ER article on PCAB Town Hall
Chico Sol Article on PCAB Town Hall
MAY 1 ~ Police Community Advisory Board (PCAB) MEETING
Snap Judgment - Lt. McFadden Walking the Black Thin Line
Officer involved shooting- no causalties
FAC First Amendment Coalition The Public Deserves Details When Police Use Deadly Force
Chico ER on CPD officer involved shooting
Chico ER
Chico ER Drone helps police arrest home intruders
SPEAK UP 2024! Chico PD holding a meeting on Military Equipment on Thursday, March 28 and City Council Meeting Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Letter: Transparency regarding use of military equipment
Chico ER on woman wins settlement against Oroville PD
Chico ER editorial on Oroville settlement by woman who was dropped at the dump by Oroville PD
Manny Ellis' death by Tacoma police; officers found not guilty
NBC Fatal police shooting in Lancaster, Ca.